Sunday, March 30, 2014

Tiny Pub update- Spring is finally upon us!

Here is the tiny pub, sans snow:
Notice still a SMALL amount of snow, off the the right...

A bit muddy, but nice and warm inside- no heat needed!!
Let's have a tour- 
Read for about 2 hours, and then played guitar a bit, through my cigar box amp-
My precious Peavey Power slide had hardly gone out of tune at all!  So, in celebration, I made up a quick tune...  

See what fun we have at the tiny pub?  Even when it's just ME??


Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Pub will open before long!

So today, March 15, I put on my boots and went through the remaining snow down to the Pub in the woods- Duke's Tiny Pub and Golf Club!  I replaced the Milwaukee Tool contractor's boom box sound system with the small, cigar box amplifier you see in the foreground on the bar...

Great sound, and runs on 4 aa batteries- and I can also play my electric guitars through it!!

Good for me, but bad for all the solitude and silence folks that might want a little quiet...

Not really, I'll only play if begged, and when I'm the only one there.  Really enjoying jamming along with drum tracks on my iPhone lately!
The propane Mr. Heater started right up, and the temps are now up to almost 60 degrees F in the pub; 30 outside.  Left the heater on, and will go back down later when it is really warm, and maybe bring my guitar.

Soon we will have the grand opening- I will announce the date here, so stay tuned!

This will be one fun year in the Pub!!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Duke's Tiny Pub, 2014

So, I trudged on down to the Tiny Pub, down in our backwoods.   I fired up the Mr. Heater propane heater, and thought about how I'd come back later that afternoon- (It was in the 30's...)

When I returned, after a few hours of running errands, and putting some meat on the grill, it was...

just under 60 degrees! (see photo above)

Very adequate to go back down, along with Zeke the cat, and enjoy the ambiance of the tiny pub!

I listened to music via the Milwaukee Sound Box, which has wonderful audio!  As I listened, I surveyed my tiny domain, and thought of all the improvements of the future-

Believe it or don't, I WANT to have a:

Golf cart to transport people down and back to the pub!

Finish the back bar- the "brass" panels are falling off...

Brew a batch of my own ALE for patrons!

And, add a Mailbox in front, along with the Duke's tiny pub sign, and various lights and accoutrements...


More photos will be forthcoming, dudecicles!!